Ejemplos con responses

Muchas veces la mejor manera de entender el significado de una palabra, es leer textos donde aparece dicha palabra. Por ese motivo te ofrecemos innumerables ejemplos extraidos de textos españoles seleccionados.

Physiological responses of tomato fruit to cyclic intermittent temperature regimes.
Responses of neonatal rat islets to streptozotocin-limited ß-cell regeneration and hyperglycemia.
Auditory brainstem and cortical responses following extensive transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Responses to rapid-rate transcranial magnetic stimulation of the human motor cortex.
Interspecific Hybrid Derivatives Between Facultatively Apomictic Species of Blue Grasses & Their Responses to Contrasting Environments.
Revolution in Writing: British Literary Responses to the French Revolution.
Leroi from the New York Times advocating biological conceptions of race and responses from scholars in a variety of fields.

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