Definición de bombing

Acepciones de Bombing

Categoría gramatical: sustantivo
Categorías gramaticales de bombing explicadas

  1. Bombardeo. Acto de lanzar bombas.

Ejemplos con la palabra Bombing

Destined for Glory: Dive Bombing, Midway, and the Evolution of Carrier Airpower.
Bombing Students' ManualThis WW II bombardiers instruction book includes Norden bombsight instruction and more.
Stewart Halsey Ross: Strategic Bombing by the United States in World War IIFeatures a chapter about the bombsights used by the USA.
What's the glory in taking a man from his bed and gunning him down in front of his wife and his children? Where's the glory in that? Where's the glory in bombing a Remembrance Day parade of old age pensioners, their medals taken out and polished up for the day.
Ver ejemplos de oraciones con la palabra bombing

Errores ortográficos comunes para bombing

Palabras que derivan de bombing


Palabras que derivan de bombing

Palabras más comunes que riman con bombing

Marketing, Ranking, Holding, Ring, Living, Camping, Ping, Leasing, Casting, Dumping, Jogging, Spring, Lifting, Catering, Training, Wing, Footing, Engineering, Timing, Flying, Sparring, Sampling, Turning, Benchmarking, Networking, Matching, Windsurfing, Sling, Landing, Bombing, Drawing, Heating, Multitasking, Tracing, Ceiling, Clipping, Coupling, Fitting, Gliding, Shaving, Forging, Bearing, Balancing, Cowling, Slipping, Bracing, Electroplating, Rubbing, Bending, Dipping, Coaming, Launching, Warping, Bushing, Retaining, Mounting, Dismounting, Wiring, Ifing, Loeding, Iving, Piggybacking, Pointcasting, Blinking, Shading, Lurking,

Palabras que riman con bombing

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