Categoría gramatical / tiempo verbal de definite

Como Conjugación De Definir

Verbo Transitivo

Los Verbos Transitivos son aquellos que necesitan de complemento para tener sentido pleno.

Verbo Pronominal

Los Verbos Pronominales son aquellos que se conjugan junto a un pronombre átono.

Imperativo Singular De Definir

El Imperativo se utiliza para expresar un mandato o hacer una petición de manera explícita por el orador. Veamos algunos ejemplos:

  • Haz lo que te digo o atente a las consecuencias.
  • Decid la verdad a todo lo que se os pregunte.

Ejemplos con la palabra Definite

When proper names are qualified by an adjective, the definite article is used.
Observation shows that, only when a course of action is known to have a definite result, people set about it without hesitation.
# el #pasar#, when the infinitive is used as subject or predicate, it usually takes the definite article in the masculine singular.
# #abrirle a Platero la boca#, the definite article takes the place of the possessive adjective modifying a noun which refers to parts of the body or articles of clothing when the noun is used as the object of a verb.
they are restricted in their operations to definite departments of nature, their names are general, not proper, their attributes are generic rather than individual, in other words, there is an indefinite number of spirits of each class, and the individuals of a class are much alike, they have no definitely marked individuality, no accepted traditions are current as to their origin, life and character.
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