Ejemplos con density

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As the density of the population increases the locust transforms progressively from the solitary phase towards the gregarious phase with intermediate phases:
Although lacking a gas bladder, they have undergone a depth-related diversification, such as increase in fatty tissues and reduced mineralization of the bones, resulting in a body density approaching neutral, to fill a variety of water column niches.
En Lisa's Date with Density, cuando castigan a Lisa, le dan el castigo de escribir en la pizarra, y ella dice: No entiendo como Bart hace esto todas las semanas.
This theoretically does not affect the density of the final product, though flow difficulties and the tendency of nanoparticles to agglomerate complicates matters.
where represents the material's density in grams per cubic centimeter and the diameter is in cm.
where is the Young's modulus of the material and is the surface energy density of the material.
The Effect of Crosslink Density on the Thermo-Mechanical Response of Shape Memory Polymers.
UDO como Ultra Density Optical, se ha lanzado como sustituto de los discos magnético-ópticos.

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