Definición de exponents

Acepciones de Exponents

Categoría gramatical: sustantivo
Categorías gramaticales de exponents explicadas

    Ejemplos con la palabra Exponents

    Grupos como The Exponents, Opshop, Goodnight Nurse, y The Black Seeds también participan en el disco.
    These, to many, will appear only words, but what wondrous words! What a spell they wield! What a weird unity is in them! The instant they are uttered, a misty picture, with a tarn, dark as a murderer's eye, below, and the thin yellow leaves of October fluttering above, exponents of a misery which scorns the name of sorrow, is hung up in the chambers of your soul forever.
    Ver ejemplos de oraciones con la palabra exponents

    Errores ortográficos comunes para exponents

    Palabras más comunes que riman con exponents

    Instruments, Vents, Cents, Components, Agents, Measurements, Moments, Assessments, Clients, Compartments, Currents, Displacements, Ents, Ents, Exponents, Tangents, Cotangents, Incandescents, Equipments, Filaments, Replacements, Departaments, Segments, Quotients, Requirements, Alignments, Adjustments, Arpents, Acknowledgments, Argents,

    Palabras que riman con exponents

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